Holistic Training

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1). This is known as holistic: The information contained in the system as a whole is greater than the sum of the information of each part analyzed individually.

The word holistic comes from the Greek ὅλος [hólos] which means “everything,” “whole,” “totality.” Hence the concept of holistic refers to understand things as a whole and in relation to their own environment. So in isolation would be not possible of understanding.

Holistic training is a working methodology based on the combination of the concepts of sport training and the concepts of complexity theory. It can be used both in formation stages, in high performance stages, as well as orientation for improving health.

Natural and sport reality show us that in their different levels (including the brain), structure, form, and functionality evolve over time and are closely related to performance (2-12). This is the result of an evolutionary process through non-linear interactions in many biological and non-biological systems (13-18).

Holistic training is based on designing exercises with non-linear outputs (several solutions) that evolve from exercises of great symmetry (less complicated and more “automated”) to less symmetrical exercises (more complicated and less mechanized). Uncertainty is the creative basis of the process.

The aim is the introduction of controlled physical and cognitive stimuli (perturbations) in order to increase self-organization of the system (improvement of the different brain areas, muscular system, nervous system, etc.). In addition to improve the relationship of the system with what surrounds it. The tasks are developed in parallel to the processes of cognitive perception.

What we seek is the improvement of the unit and the relationship with its environment.


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  18. M. Scheffer et al., Early-warning signals for critical transitions. Nature. 461, 53–59 (2009).

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